Flappy Flippers Flappy Flipper screenshot 1 Flappy Flipper screenshot 2


Itch.io: Game [Android]
YouTube: Video [Demo]


Engine: Unity
Genre: 2D Endless Runner
You're an aquaphobic penguin with a questionable jetpack...how long can you survive?


Solo Developer


• Designed a reimagining of a popular game to refresh my skills

• Had the theming inspired by a certain penguin web minigame

• Programmed the gravity/jumping, score, and death systems

• Retrieved SFX from the internet and implemented them in game

• Made the game explicitly for mobile, which I hadn't done before

• Made all of the pixel art, despite having little to no experience

Additional Context

This is a 2D Side-Scroller mobile game where the objective is simply to get the highest score you can by flying through the icebergs with the penguin! Penguins can't actually fly, of course, which is why it has a jetpack strapped to its back! I worked on this solo between classes for a few weeks during my first semester of college to practice Unity and to challenge myself to do my own art for once.