About Me

I am actively seeking full-time positions for game design teams!

I'm 24 years old with a BS in Game Design & Development from Rochester Institute of Technology, and was born and raised in NYC. I wanted to be a game developer since 7th grade, which was when I started self-teaching programming and paying attention to the industry. I primarily focused on programming and logic-driven thinking for a long time, but after finally gaining some real industry experience, my true passion and strengths in game design shone through. I believe I am truly a strong candidate for a game design team, and my technical background will allow me to work with programming teams very easily.

I believe one of my best qualities is my ability to be flexible. This being said and despite my main focus being design, I am open to other roles including production, programming, balance work, and voice acting.

I've played multiple games at top rank and professional levels, including Team Fortress 2, CS:GO, and Division 1 Collegiate Overwatch at RIT. This means that aside from formal experience, I have a keen eye for game design and balance at a high level through pure exposure.
