Class of 21XX Class of 21XX screenshot

Links Game [PC]
YouTube: Video [Demo]


Engine: Unity
Genre: 2D Puzzle Platformer
A group of space cadets have one final task— to save graduation!


Lead Game Designer, Lead Puzzle Designer, Lead Programmer, Sound Designer


• Designed the concept of swapping characters instantaneously

• Designed each character's unique abilities for puzzles/combat

• Designed the puzzle mechanics, like growing vines and repairing

• Programmed player movement, health, and character swapping

• Programmed each character's unique puzzle/combat abilities

• Retrieved SFX from the internet and implemented them in game

Additional Context

“Class of 21XX” follows four friends about to graduate from Faith Academy, a school for future space cadets. An alien attack puts their test on hold, forcing them to save their school, fix the ship, and go out with one last hurrah. I initially brought forth the concept of swapping characters in-place with different abilities, and the rest formulated around that! This was created during a 2-week game jam at the USC Summer Program. Within this short window of time, I taught myself both Unity and C# for the first time!