Cloud Chow Cloud Chow screenshot


Browser: Game [WebGL]
YouTube: Video [Demo]


Engine: Unity
Genre: 2D Side-Scroller
How many clouds can you eat... how long will you survive?


Lead Game Designer, Lead Programmer, UI/UX Programmer, Sound Designer


• Designed the main scoring and health systems

• Designed the progressive increase in move speed over time

• Programmed the main cloud eating/damaging mechanics

• Programmed the general ability to die and restart the game

• Programmed all UI/UX functionality, including menus and HUD

• Retrieved SFX from the internet and implemented them in game

Additional Context

Play as a dragon in this infinite 2D side-scroller, trying to eat as many clouds as you can before you inevitably lose! The game will slowly ramp up in diffuclty, as the speed increases and so does the spawn rate/damage of the storm clouds! Earn the highest score you can! I was responsible for designing the gameplay loop, as well as implementing the score system, collision handling, audio, and UI. This game was created in Unity and C# with a 4-week scope in mind.