Solo Developer
• Designed a physics-based platformer where you change form
• Designed forms (square, circle, etc.) to have unique abilities
• Challenged myself to create unique areas with similar platforms
• Hardcoded platform physics, including bouncy and moving ones
• Programmed a simple checkpoint system for easy progression
• Prototyped art on my phone with a stylus, turned into pixel art
Additional Context
This game was created so that I could have something simple and easy to iterate upon very, very slowly between other projects, O3DE, and my job search.
All of the level design and sprites are first drawn with a stylus on my phone in my notes app, where I then recreate each component in Photoshop.
This project was effectively a design challenge for myself— to see how much I could recycle level elements and still have them feel meaningful. This was a project
worked on to prevent burnout before I had various projects to cycle through.