State of Matter [School Project] State of Matter [School Project] screenshot

Links Game [PC]
YouTube: Video [Demo]
O3DE Blog: Article [Press Release]


Engine: Unity
Genre: First-Person Puzzle Action Shooter
You must recover a valuable resource and bring light back home.


Technical Game Designer, Sound Designer, UI/UX Programmer, Voice Actor


• Designed enemy attack, which depends on distance from player

• Designed some interactions between different states of matter

• Designed functionality of puzzle mechanics like pressure plates

• Retrieved SFX from the internet and implemented them in game

• Delivered the original dialogue for the main character

• Programmed full UI/UX functionality, including menus and HUD

Additional Context

This was created in a team of eight for a semester-long project at RIT in Unity and C#. I didn't choose my roles, but I gained experience in areas that I might not have paid as much attention to otherwise. Fortunately, I had some experience in audio work and had a passion for voice acting my whole life.

Our team was chosen for a grant by O3DE to port to their engine!