Terrestrial Cargo Run Terrestrial Cargo Run screenshot


Steam: Level [Workshop]


Editor: Hammer
Level Description: Portal 2 Puzzle
Progress through 3 main sections, utilizing and collecting precious cargo along the way!


Solo Developer


• Originally prototyped level in Portal 2 Puzzle Maker in 2017

• Designed 3 main sections, each revolving around a "companion"

• Designed each section to use a main story mechanic (gel, etc.)

• Taught myself Valve's Hammer Editor and converted the old files

• Planned out ~3 weeks to learn the editor and redesign the map

• Published the map to the Steam Workshop to be easily playable

Additional Context

In the midst of job searching and working on State of Matter, I decided to take the remaining free time I had and teach myself Valve's Hammer Editor. I was already familiar with Portal 2 Puzzle Maker, but there are many restrictions when compared to Hammer. This is a Puzzle Maker level that I worked years ago, which is now heavily revamped based on playtesting feedback from the previous version. It took about 3 weeks to both teach myself the editor and remaster the level.